Mike approached LW design needing a new Waitrose Customer Service Experience Board for their car park. We where asked to design and print a large format foamex panel, from a sample business card provided.
Waitrose Customer Service Experience Board
From a humble business card to a large format foamex board. Mike popped into LW design with a Waitrose Customer Experience business card and politely asked, can you make this into a poster for me. Initially I was a little taken aback, as I expected this to be produced by Waitrose Head Office. Unfortunately at the time the Business Card artwork was not available.
After quoting for the artwork and printing, we set about recreating the sample card into digital artwork for reproduction. Using Illustrator, Indesign and Photoshop and purchasing a stock apple image we where able to create the exactly what the client ask for.

Below is the finished design and print ready artwork for the large format foamex panel.

A professional, local and friendly service provided by the team at LW Design who took on-board our requirements and delivered on time, on budget.
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